If you've downloaded FitOS Beta and want to share feedback, report an issue, or share a feature you love, please visit our Aha board here: https://echelonfitos.ideas.aha.io/
What is an Aha board?
Aha is a platform that enables our development teams to view your reports of issues and feedback! By entering reports into the board you are helping use respond quickly to issues.
What gets reported on the Aha board?
The board is explicitly for reporting issues or feedback about FitOS. For more info on FitOS see our guide here: General-FitOS-Beta-FAQ
How does the Aha board work?
When you report an issue or feedback our team will review it and respond accordingly. The status of the report will be updated as the issue is addressed.
How do I report a bug or share Feedback?
In order to report an issue or give feedback first check the board for any similar reports. If you see the issue you experienced is already entered or the feedback you want to share is already there, simply vote for that report!
If you do not see your feedback or issue already shared, select the 'Add Feedback, bugs, or ideas here!' button in the top left.
Once selected you will be taken to a page to enter details.
Enter a name for the report that will allow other users to find it! Enter details, any attachments, the equipment you use. If you would like to be contacted regarding your report also enter your Leaderboard name.
For category, select the option that best relates to the report:
- Bugs: these are issues you find within FitOS
- New Ideas: these are new features you'd like to see
- Feedback: this is where you can share thoughts on current functionality, features, and other things within FitOS
- Positive Feedback: see something you love? Share it here to ensure the team knows so we can better understand what you want to see!
What is 'voting'?
If you find feedback you agree with, a bug report you also experienced, or positive feedback you want to emphasize, vote for an issue. This allows the team to see which issues are most important, what feedback has the most agreement, and where we can improve!
Can I comment on a report?
Yes! We encourage useful, relevant comments on reports. If you experienced the same issue or have additional information about it please share it! The more info we receive, the better we will be able to handle any issues or feedback.
Any reports or comments in the board are subject to change or removal by the Echelon team if it is inappropriate, spamming, or irrelevant to the Beta. If you have questions surrounding FitOS or concerns about the Beta please contact our Customer Service department here: cs@echelonfit.uk